Source code for nsfds2.init.config

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2016-2019 Cyril Desjouy <>
# This file is part of nsfds2
# nsfds2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# nsfds2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with nsfds2. If not, see <>.
# Creation Date : 2016-11-29 - 23:18:27
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

This module contains the :py:class:`CfgSetup` that read the configuration file
and set all simulation parameters.



    from nsfds2.init import CfgSetup

    cfg = CfgSetup()


import json
import time
import sys
import os
import shutil
import datetime
import pathlib
import configparser
from pkg_resources import parse_version
import nsfds2
from nsfds2.utils import files

[docs]def create_template(path=None, filename=None, cfg=None): """ Create default configuration file. Default location is .nsfds2/nsfds2.conf.""" if not cfg: cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) cfg.add_section('configuration') cfg.set('configuration', 'version', str(nsfds2.__version__)) cfg.set('configuration', 'timings', 'False') cfg.set('configuration', 'quiet', 'False') cfg.set('configuration', 'cpu', '1') cfg.add_section('simulation') cfg.set('simulation', 'nt', '500') cfg.set('simulation', 'ns', '10') cfg.set('simulation', 'cfl', '0.5') cfg.add_section('thermophysic') cfg.set('thermophysic', 'norm', 'False') cfg.set('thermophysic', 'p0', '101325.0') cfg.set('thermophysic', 't0', '20.0') cfg.set('thermophysic', 'gamma', '1.4') cfg.set('thermophysic', 'prandtl', '0.7') cfg.add_section('geometry') cfg.set('geometry', 'mesh', 'regular') cfg.set('geometry', 'file', 'None') cfg.set('geometry', 'geoname', 'helmholtz_double') cfg.set('geometry', 'curvname', 'None') cfg.set('geometry', 'bc', 'PPPP') cfg.set('geometry', 'nx', '256') cfg.set('geometry', 'nz', '256') cfg.set('geometry', 'ix0', '0') cfg.set('geometry', 'iz0', '0') cfg.set('geometry', 'dx', '1') cfg.set('geometry', 'dz', '1') cfg.add_section('PML') cfg.set('PML', 'beta', '0.') cfg.set('PML', 'alpha', '4.') cfg.set('PML', 'sigmax', 'auto') cfg.set('PML', 'sigmaz', 'auto') cfg.set('PML', 'npml', '15') cfg.add_section('source') cfg.set('source', 'type', 'pulse') cfg.set('source', 'ixS', '32') cfg.set('source', 'izS', '128') cfg.set('source', 's0', '1e6') cfg.set('source', 'b0', '5') cfg.set('source', 'f0', '20000') cfg.set('source', 'seed', 'None') cfg.set('source', 'wavfile', 'None') cfg.add_section('flow') cfg.set('flow', 'type', 'None') cfg.set('flow', 'u0', '5') cfg.set('flow', 'v0', '5') cfg.add_section('eulerian fluxes') cfg.set('eulerian fluxes', 'stencil', '11') cfg.add_section('filtering') cfg.set('filtering', 'filter', 'True') cfg.set('filtering', 'stencil', '11') cfg.set('filtering', 'strength', '0.2') cfg.set('filtering', 'strength_on_walls', '0.01') cfg.add_section('viscous fluxes') cfg.set('viscous fluxes', 'viscosity', 'True') cfg.set('viscous fluxes', 'stencil', '7') cfg.add_section('shock capture') cfg.set('shock capture', 'shock capture', 'True') cfg.set('shock capture', 'stencil', '7') cfg.set('shock capture', 'method', 'pressure') cfg.add_section('figures') cfg.set('figures', 'figures', 'True') cfg.set('figures', 'probes', 'True') cfg.set('figures', 'pml', 'True') cfg.set('figures', 'bc_profiles', 'True') cfg.set('figures', 'fps', '24') cfg.add_section('save') cfg.set('save', 'resume', 'False') cfg.set('save', 'path', 'results/') cfg.set('save', 'filename', 'tmp') cfg.set('save', 'compression', 'lzf') cfg.set('save', 'fields', 'True') cfg.set('save', 'vorticity', 'False') cfg.set('save', 'probes', '[]') if not path: path = pathlib.Path.home() / '.nsfds2' if not filename: filename = 'nsfds2.conf' if not path.is_dir(): path.mkdir() with open(path / filename, 'w') as cf: cfg.write(cf)
[docs]class CfgSetup: """ Handle configuration file. """ def __init__(self, args=None): # Minimal version of the config file self.base_version = '0.9.15' # Command line arguments + home self.args = args self.home = pathlib.Path.home() self.path_default = self.home / '.nsfds2' self.cfgfile_default = self.path_default / 'nsfds2.conf' # Create config parser self.cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # Load config file if isinstance(self.args, str): self.cfgfile = pathlib.Path(self.args) else: self.cfgfile = getattr(self.args, 'cfgfile', None) # Check cfg file if not self.cfgfile: self.path = self.path_default self.cfgfile = self.cfgfile_default self.check_dir(self.path) # Check if cfg dir exists. If not create it. self.init_cfg() # Check if cfg file exist. If not create it else: self.cfgfile = pathlib.Path(self.cfgfile) self.path = self.cfgfile.absolute().parent # Check if config file version is ok self.check_config_file() # Read config file (can be overridden by command line) # Parse arguments
[docs] @staticmethod def check_dir(directory): """ Check if dir exists. If not, create it.""" if not directory.is_dir(): directory.mkdir() print("Create directory :", directory) time.sleep(0.5)
[docs] def check_config_file(self): """ Check version of the config file. Overwrite it if too old. """ cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) try: CFG = cfg['configuration'] version = CFG.get('version') is_default_cfg = self.cfgfile == self.cfgfile_default is_version_ok = parse_version(version) >= parse_version(self.base_version) if not is_version_ok and is_default_cfg: self._overwrite_config_file() elif not is_version_ok: print(f'Config file version must be >= {self.base_version}') sys.exit(1) except (KeyError, TypeError): print(f'Config file version must be >= {self.base_version}') if is_default_cfg: self._overwrite_config_file() else: sys.exit(1)
def _overwrite_config_file(self): # Backup old config file now = name = f'{now.year}{now.month}{}{now.hour}{now.minute}{now.second}' shutil.move(self.path / 'nsfds2.conf', self.path / f'nsfds2_{name}.conf') print(f'Current configfile backup : nsfds2_{name}.conf') time.sleep(1) # Create new config file self.init_cfg()
[docs] def init_cfg(self): """ Check if config file exists. If not create it. """ if not (self.path / 'nsfds2.conf').is_file(): open(self.path / 'nsfds2.conf', 'a').close() print(f"Create configuration file : {self.path}/nsfds2.conf") time.sleep(0.5) create_template(cfg=self.cfg)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run configuration. """ self.none = ['', 'none', 'None', None] try: self._cfg() self._sim() self._thp() self._geo() self._pml() self._src() self._flw() self._eul() self._flt() self._vsc() self._cpt() self._save() self._figs() except configparser.Error as err: print('Bad cfg file : ', err) sys.exit(1) self.dt = min(self.dx,*self.CFL/(self.c0 + max(abs(self.U0), abs(self.V0)))
def _cfg(self): CFG = self.cfg['configuration'] self.timings = getattr(self.args, 'timings', None) self.quiet = getattr(self.args, 'quiet', None) self.cpu = CFG.getint('cpu', 1) if not isinstance(self.timings, bool): self.timings = CFG.getboolean('timings', False) if not isinstance(self.quiet, bool): self.quiet = CFG.getboolean('quiet', False) def _sim(self): SIM = self.cfg['simulation'] self.nt = getattr(self.args, 'nt', None) self.ns = SIM.getint('ns', 10) self.CFL = SIM.getfloat('cfl', 0.5) if self.nt is None: self.nt = SIM.getint('nt', 500) if self.nt % self.ns: self.nt -= self.nt % self.ns = 0 def _thp(self): THP = self.cfg['thermophysic'] self.norm = THP.getboolean('norm', False) self.Ssu = 111.0 # Sutherland constant self.T0 = 273.0 self.T = self.T0 + THP.getfloat('t0', 20.0) self.gamma = THP.getfloat('gamma', 1.4) = 717.5 self.cp =*self.gamma self.p0 = THP.getfloat('p0', 101325.0) self.rho0 = self.p0/(self.T*(self.cp - self.c0 = (self.gamma*self.p0/self.rho0)**0.5 self.mu0 = 0.00001716 = (self.mu0*(self.T/self.T0)**(3./2.) * (self.T0 + self.Ssu)/(self.T + self.Ssu)) = self.prandtl = THP.getfloat('prandtl', 0.7) # = THP.getfloat('nu', 1.5e-5) # self.p0 = self.rho0*self.c0**2/self.gamma if self.c0 < 1: raise ValueError('c0 must be >= 1') if self.norm: self.rho0 = 1 self.c0 = 1 self.p0 = self.rho0*self.c0**2/self.gamma self.T0 = 299.8189 def _geo(self): GEO = self.cfg['geometry'] self.mesh = GEO.get('mesh', 'regular').lower() self.curvflag = True if self.mesh == 'curvilinear' else False self.curvname = GEO.get('curvname', 'None') self.geofile = GEO.get('file', 'None') self.geoname = GEO.get('geoname', 'square') self.geoflag = True self.Nd = GEO.getint('Nd', 23) # Adapt over Nd pts self.Rx = GEO.getfloat('Rx', 3.) # dilatation rate self.only_pml = GEO.getboolean('only_pml', False) # adapt only in PML self.bc = GEO.get('bc', 'WWWW').upper() self.nx = GEO.getint('nx', 256) = GEO.getint('nz', 256) self.ix0 = GEO.getint('ix0', 0) self.iz0 = GEO.getint('iz0', 0) self.dx = GEO.getfloat('dx', 1) = GEO.getfloat('dz', 1) if self.geofile != "None": self.geofile = self.path / self.geofile if self.mesh not in ['regular', 'adaptative', 'curvilinear']: raise ValueError('mesh must be regular, adaptative, or curvilinear') self.obstacles = files.get_obstacle(self) def _pml(self): PML = self.cfg['PML'] self.beta = PML.getfloat('beta', 0.) self.alpha = PML.getfloat('alpha', 4.) self.sigmax = PML.get('sigmax', 'auto') self.sigmaz = PML.get('sigmaz', 'auto') self.Npml = PML.getint('npml', 15) def _src(self): source_list = ['pulse', 'harmonic', 'wav', 'white'] SRC = self.cfg['source'] self.stype = SRC.get('type', 'pulse').lower() self.ixS = SRC.getint('ixS', 32) self.izS = SRC.getint('izS', 32) self.S0 = SRC.getfloat('s0', 1e3) self.B0 = SRC.getfloat('b0', 5) self.f0 = SRC.getfloat('f0', 20000) self.wavfile = SRC.get('wavfile', None) self.seed = SRC.get('seed', None) = SRC.getint('off', self.nt) if self.wavfile: self.wavfile = pathlib.Path(self.wavfile).expanduser() if self.seed not in self.none: try: self.seed = int(self.seed) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Seed must be int or None') if self.stype not in source_list: self.S0 = 0 def _flw(self): flow_list = ['custom', 'vortex', 'poiseuille'] FLW = self.cfg['flow'] self.ftype = FLW.get('type', 'None').lower() self.U0 = FLW.getfloat('u0', 5) self.V0 = FLW.getfloat('v0', 5) if self.ftype not in flow_list: self.U0, self.V0 = 0., 0. def _eul(self): EUL = self.cfg['eulerian fluxes'] self.stencil = EUL.getint('stencil', 11) if self.stencil not in [3, 7, 11]: raise ValueError('stencil must be 3, 7 or 11') def _flt(self): FLT = self.cfg['filtering'] self.flt = FLT.getboolean('filter', True) self.flt_stencil = FLT.getint('stencil', 11) self.xnu = FLT.getfloat('strength', 0.2) self.xnu0 = FLT.getfloat('strength_on_walls', 0.01) if self.flt_stencil not in [7, 11]: raise ValueError('only 7 and 11 pts filters implemented for now') def _vsc(self): VSC = self.cfg['viscous fluxes'] self.vsc = VSC.getboolean('viscosity', True) self.vsc_stencil = VSC.getint('stencil', 3) if self.vsc_stencil not in [3, 7, 11]: raise ValueError('viscous fluxes only available with 3, 7 or 11 pts') def _cpt(self): CPT = self.cfg['shock capture'] self.cpt = CPT.getboolean('shock capture', True) self.cpt_stencil = CPT.getint('stencil', 7) self.cpt_meth = CPT.get('method', 'pressure').lower() self.rth = 1e-6 if self.cpt_stencil not in [3, 7, 11]: raise ValueError('capture only available with 3, 7 or 11 pts') if self.cpt_meth not in ['pressure', 'dilatation']: raise ValueError('capture method must be pressure or dilatation') def _save(self): SAVE = self.cfg['save'] self.resume = SAVE.getboolean('resume', False) self.save_fields = SAVE.getboolean('fields', True) self.save_vortis = SAVE.getboolean('vorticity', False) if self.path == self.path_default: self.savepath = pathlib.Path(SAVE.get('path', 'results')) else: self.savepath = self.path / SAVE.get('path', 'results') self.savefile = SAVE.get('filename', 'tmp') + '.hdf5' self.comp = SAVE.get('compression', 'lzf') try: self.probes = json.loads(SAVE.get('probes', '[]')) except: raise ValueError('probe and probe_location have been merged. Update config file.') # Check probes if self.probes: for c in self.probes: if not 0 <= c[0] < self.nx or not 0 <= c[1] < raise ValueError('probes must be in the domain') # datapath and datafile if self.comp == 'None': self.comp = None # if self.savepath does not exist, create it self.check_dir(self.savepath) self.datafile = getattr(self.args, 'datafile', None) if not self.datafile: self.datafile = self.savepath / self.savefile else: self.datafile = pathlib.Path(self.datafile).expanduser() def _figs(self): FIGS = self.cfg['figures'] if not self.quiet: self.figures = FIGS.getboolean('figures', True) else: self.figures = False self.show_probes = FIGS.getboolean('probes', True) self.show_pml = FIGS.getboolean('pml', True) self.bc_profiles = FIGS.getboolean('bc_profiles', True) self.fps = FIGS.getint('fps', 24)