Introducing **nsfds2** ====================== **nsfds2** is 2D Navier-Stokes Solver that uses finite difference method. In particular, **nsfds2** is specialized in acoustic simulations. **nsfds2** is still in developpement. It is still full of bugs and comes with **ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY**. Dependencies ------------ :python: >= 3.6 :numpy: >= 1.1 :matplotlib: >= 3.0 :h5py: >= 2.8 :progressbar33: >= 2.4 :ofdlib2: >= 0.11.0 :fdgrid: >= 0.11.0 :mplutils: >= 0.4.2 **Important:** To create animations using `nsfds2 make movie`, you also need to have **ffmpeg** installed on your system. Installation ------------ Clone the repo at and:: python install or :: pip install nsfds2 **Note:** To compile *ofdlib2*, OS X users may recquire : :: xcode-select --install