Excel Translation Script Summary

This webpage provides a summary of a conversation about creating a Python program to translate Excel files using Google Cloud Translation API or DeepL API, and includes a link to the final program.


Program Overview

The Python script translates specific columns in Excel files into multiple languages while preserving formatting. It supports switching between DeepL and Google Translate based on availability or preference.

Python Script

Download the Python script

How to Use

  1. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of your Google service account JSON file.
  2. Replace "your_deepl_api_key" with your actual DeepL API key in the script.
  3. Adjust the input_directory_path and output_directory_path variables as needed.
  4. Run the script to translate Excel files in the specified directory.

Important Notes

Remember to handle API keys securely and monitor usage to avoid unexpected charges.