
We have seen that micro-machining makes the manufacturing of miniature mobile structure suitable to optical applications possible. Very small movements, for instance of a quarter wavelength in an interferometer, can make an on/off switching or create modulation effects more important than in conventional electronic or electro-optical devices. Likewise, we saw that micro mirrors gratings can be the basis for display systems or optical routers.

At the same time, the miniature optical devices have to meet a certain number of dimensional and structural constraints that can be more important than those weighting on other Microsystems.


  • Surface roughness determines mirror reflectivity.

  • Mechanical constraints on membrane create distortions in reflected images.

  • Integrated waveguides in optical Microsystems must have reproductive refractive index and optical losses.

  • Actuators, which can be electrostatic, piezoelectric or thermo-mechanical, must have an actuation voltage and a weak energy dissipation while ensuring a reproductive performance on a large range of performance cycles.

So, it's really important to correctly choose the materials and manufacturing techniques.