Source code for fdgrid.mesh

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2016-2019 Cyril Desjouy <>
# This file is part of fdgrid
# fdgrid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# fdgrid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fdgrid. If not, see <>.
# Creation Date : 2019-02-13 - 10:30:40
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

Module `mesh` provides three classes to build meshes:

    * :py:class:`Mesh`: Build regular cartesian mesh
    * :py:class:`AdaptativeMesh`: Build adaptative cartesian mesh
    * :py:class:`CurvilinearMesh`: Build curvilinear mesh


__all__ = ['Mesh', 'AdaptativeMesh', 'CurvilinearMesh']

import re as _re
import itertools as _itertools
import dataclasses as _dataclasses
import numpy as _np
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
import matplotlib.ticker as _ticker
import ofdlib2.derivation as _drv
import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 as _axes_grid1
from fdgrid import _exceptions
from fdgrid import graphics as _graphics
from fdgrid.cdomain import ComputationDomains
from fdgrid.templates import curv as _curv

[docs]class Mesh: """ Build cartesian regular grid Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Size of the domain. Must be a tuple with two int objects. step : tuple Spatial steps. Must be a tuple with two float objects. origin : tuple, optional Origin of the grid. Must be a tuple with two int objects. bc : {'[ARZPW][ARZPW][ARZPW][ARZPW]'}, optional Boundary conditions. Must be a 4 characters string. obstacles : :py:class:``, optional Obstacles in the computation domain. Npml : int, optional Number of points of the absorbing area (only if 'A' in `bc`). stencil : int, optional Size of the finite difference stencil (used by :py:mod:`nsfds2`). See also -------- :py:class:`AdaptativeMesh`, :py:class:`CurvilinearMesh`, :py:mod:`fdgrid.templates` """ def __init__(self, shape, step, origin=(0, 0), bc='WWWW', obstacles=None, Npml=15, stencil=11): self.shape = shape self.nx, = shape self.dx, = step self.ix0, self.iz0 = origin self.stencil = stencil self.Npml = Npml self.obstacles = obstacles if not self.obstacles: self.obstacles = [] self.bc = bc.upper() self._check_bc() self._check_grid() self._make_grid() self._find_subdomains() self._make_moving_bc() def _make_grid(self): """ Make grid. """ self.x = (_np.arange(self.nx)-self.ix0)*self.dx self.z = (_np.arange(*
[docs] def N(self, axis): """ Returns the number of points following `axis`. """ return self.nx if axis == 0 else if axis == 1 else None
[docs] def du(self, axis): """ Returns the spacial base step following `axis`. """ return self.dx if axis == 0 else if axis == 1 else None
def _limits(self): xlim = ComputationDomains.bounds(self.shape, self.bc, self.obstacles, axis=0) zlim = ComputationDomains.bounds(self.shape, self.bc, self.obstacles, axis=1) return xlim, zlim def _find_subdomains(self): """ Divide the computation domain into subdomains. dx/dzdomains : for x/z derivatives fx/fzdomains : for x/z filters dsdomains : smallest domain among dx/dzdomains fsdomains : smallest domain among fx/fzdomains adomains : for PML """ self.domain = ComputationDomains((self.nx,, self.obstacles, self.bc, self.stencil, self.Npml) self.dxdomains = self.domain.dxdomains self.dzdomains = self.domain.dzdomains self.dsdomains = self.domain.dsdomains self.dmdomains = self.dxdomains + self.dzdomains self.fxdomains = self.domain.fxdomains self.fzdomains = self.domain.fzdomains self.fsdomains = self.domain.fsdomains self.fmdomains = self.fxdomains + self.fzdomains self.adomains = self.domain.adomains self.gdomain = self.domain.gdomain def _check_bc(self): regex = [r'[^P].P.', r'P.[^P].', r'.[^P].P', r'.P.[^P]'] if not _re.match(r'^[ZRAPW]*$', self.bc): raise _exceptions.BoundaryConditionError("bc must be combination of 'ZRAPW'!") if any(_re.match(r, self.bc) for r in regex): msg = "periodic condition must be on both sides of the domain," msg += " i.e. '(P.P.)'|'(.P.P)'" raise _exceptions.BoundaryConditionError(msg) def _check_grid(self): if self.Npml < self.stencil: raise _exceptions.GridError("Number of points of PML must be larger than stencil") if self.ix0 > self.nx or self.iz0 > raise _exceptions.GridError("Origin of the domain must be in the domain") def _make_moving_bc(self): for obs in self.obstacles: obs.make_moving_bc(self.x, self.z)
[docs] def plot_domains(self, legend=False, N=4, figsize=(9, 18), bc_profiles=False, filename=None): """ Plot a scheme of the computation domain higlighting the subdomains. Parameters ---------- legend: bool, optional Show legend. N: int, optional Plot the grid with one point over N. filename: string, optional Save to `filename`. figsize: tuple, optional Size of the figure. bc_profiles: bool, optional Show velocity profiles for moving boundaries See also -------- :py:meth:`plot_grid`, :py:meth:`plot_physical`, :py:meth:`plot_xz` """ _, axes = _plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=figsize) # Grid & Obstacles for ax in axes: ax.set_xlabel('x [m]') ax.set_ylabel('z [m]') ax.set_aspect('equal') _graphics.plot_grid(ax, self.x, self.z, N=N) _graphics.plot_subdomains(ax, self.x, self.z, self.obstacles) # Subdomains for tag, color in zip(['X', 'W', 'A'], ['b', 'r', 'g']): _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[0], self.x, self.z, [s for s in self.dxdomains if s.tag == tag], facecolor='y', edgecolor=color, legend=legend) _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[1], self.x, self.z, [s for s in self.dzdomains if s.tag == tag], facecolor='y', edgecolor=color, legend=legend) _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[0], self.x, self.z, [s for s in self.adomains if s.tag == tag], facecolor='y', edgecolor=color, legend=legend) _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[1], self.x, self.z, [s for s in self.adomains if s.tag == tag], facecolor='y', edgecolor=color, legend=legend) if legend: for ax in axes: _graphics.bc_text(ax, self.x, self.z, self.dx,, self.bc, bg='k', fg='w') print(self.domain) if bc_profiles: for ax in axes: _graphics.plot_bc_profiles(ax, self.x, self.z, self.obstacles) _plt.tight_layout() if isinstance(filename, str): _plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def plot_grid(self, figsize=(9, 5), N=4, axis=False, legend=False, pml=False, bc_profiles=False, probes=False, filename=None): """ Numerical grid representation. Parameters ---------- legend: bool, optional Show legend. N: int, optional Plot the grid with one point over N. filename: string, optional Save to `filename`. figsize: tuple, optional Size of the figure. pml: bool, optional Show absorbing area in the figure. bc_profiles: bool, optional Show velocity profiles for moving boundaries Important --------- The curves :math:`dx'/dx` are not representative on the edges because of the gradient. See also -------- :py:meth:`plot_physical`, :py:meth:`plot_xz` """ fig, ax_c = _plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) fig.subplots_adjust(.1, .1, .95, .95) _graphics.plot_subdomains(ax_c, self.x, self.z, self.obstacles, legend=legend, facecolor='k') _graphics.plot_grid(ax_c, self.x, self.z, N) ax_c.set_xlim(self.x.min(), self.x.max()) ax_c.set_ylim(self.z.min(), self.z.max()) ax_c.set_xlabel(r'$x$ [m]') ax_c.set_ylabel(r'$z$ [m]') ax_c.set_aspect('equal') if probes: _ = [ax_c.plot(self.x[i], self.z[j], 'ro') for i, j in probes] if pml: _graphics.plot_pml(ax_c, self.x, self.z, self.bc, self.Npml) if bc_profiles: _graphics.plot_bc_profiles(ax_c, self.x, self.z, self.obstacles) if axis: divider = _axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(ax_c) ax_xa = divider.append_axes('top', size='30%', pad=0.1) ax_xb = divider.append_axes('top', size='20%', pad=0.1) ax_za = divider.append_axes('right', size='15%', pad=0.1) ax_zb = divider.append_axes('right', size='10%', pad=0.1) ax_xa.plot(self.x, _np.gradient(self.x)/self.dx, 'ko') ax_xa.set_ylabel(r"$x'/dx$") ax_xb.plot(self.x, range(len(self.x)), 'k', linewidth=2) ax_xb.set_ylabel(r"$N_x$") ax_za.plot(_np.gradient(self.z)/, self.z, 'ko') ax_za.set_xlabel(r"$z'/dz$") ax_zb.plot(range(len(self.z)), self.z, 'k', linewidth=2) ax_zb.set_xlabel(r"$N_z$") for ax in [ax_xa, ax_xb]: ax.set_xlim(ax_c.get_xlim()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_ticker.NullFormatter()) # no label for j in self._limits()[0]: if j[-1] == 'o': ax.axvspan(self.x[j[0]], self.x[j[1]], facecolor='k', alpha=0.5) for ax in [ax_za, ax_zb]: ax.set_ylim(ax_c.get_ylim()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_ticker.NullFormatter()) # no label for j in self._limits()[1]: if j[-1] == 'o': ax.axhspan(self.z[j[0]], self.z[j[1]], facecolor='k', alpha=0.5) if isinstance(filename, str): _plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def plot_physical(self, figsize=(9, 4), legend=False, pml=False, bc_profiles=False, probes=False, filename=None): """ Physical grid representation. See also -------- :py:meth:`plot_grid`, :py:meth:`plot_xz` """ self.plot_grid(figsize=figsize, pml=pml, legend=legend, bc_profiles=bc_profiles, probes=probes, filename=filename)
[docs] def plot_xz(self, figsize=(9, 4), filename=None): """ Plot x & z axis. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Save figure to filename. figsize : tuple, optional Size of the figure. See also -------- :py:meth:`plot_physical`, :py:meth:`plot_xz` """ _, axes = _plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=figsize) axes[0, 0].plot(self.x, 'k*') axes[0, 0].set_xlabel(r'$N_x$') axes[0, 0].set_ylabel(r'$x$ [m]') axes[1, 0].plot(_np.gradient(self.x)/self.dx, 'k*') axes[1, 0].set_xlabel(r'$x$ [m]') axes[1, 0].set_ylabel(r"$x'/dx$") axes[0, 1].plot(self.z, 'k*') axes[0, 1].set_xlabel(r'$N_z$') axes[0, 1].set_ylabel(r'$z$ [m]') axes[1, 1].plot(_np.gradient(self.z)/, 'k*') axes[1, 1].set_xlabel(r'$z$ [m]') axes[1, 1].set_ylabel(r"$z'/dz$") for i in range(axes.shape[1]): for ax in axes[:, i]: ax.grid() for j in self._limits()[i]: if j[-1] == 'o': ax.axvspan(j[0], j[1], facecolor='k', alpha=0.5) _plt.tight_layout() if isinstance(filename, str): _plt.savefig(filename)
[docs] def get_obstacles(self): """ Get a list of the coordinates of all obstacles. """ return [sub.xz for sub in self.obstacles]
[docs] def get_domains(self, only_xz=False): """ Get a list of computational domains. """ xdomains = [] zdomains = [] if not only_xz: for d in self.domain.listing[0]: xdomains.append(_dataclasses.asdict(d)) for d in self.domain.listing[1]: zdomains.append(_dataclasses.asdict(d)) else: for d in self.domain.listing[0]: xdomains.append(d.xz) for d in self.domain.listing[1]: zdomains.append(d.xz) return xdomains, zdomains
[docs] @staticmethod def show_figures(): """ Show all figures. """
def __str__(self): s = 'Cartesian {}x{} points grid with {} boundary conditions:\n\n' s += '\t* Spatial step : {}\n'.format((self.dx, s += '\t* Origin : {}\n'.format((self.ix0, self.iz0)) if 'A' in self.bc: s += '\t* Points in PML: {}\n'.format(self.Npml) s += '\t* Max stencil : {}\n'.format(self.stencil) return s.format(self.nx,, self.bc) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class AdaptativeMesh(Mesh): """ Build cartesian adaptative grid Parameters ---------- dilatation : float dilatation rate over `Nd` points. Nd : int Number of point of adaptative areas. only_pml : bool Only adapt grid in PML areas. See also -------- :py:class:`Mesh`, :py:mod:`fdgrid.templates` """ def __init__(self, shape, step, origin=(0, 0), bc='WWWW', obstacles=None, Npml=15, stencil=11, dilatation=3., Nd=23, only_pml=False): self.only_pml = only_pml self.N = Nd self.dilatation = dilatation/100 super().__init__(shape, step, origin, bc, obstacles, Npml, stencil) def _make_grid(self): self.stretch = 1 - _np.arange(self.N)/self.N*self.dilatation self.stretch_PML = 1 + ((_np.arange(self.Npml) - self.Npml)/self.Npml)**2 self.amin = self.stretch[-1] xlim, zlim = self._limits() = self._make_axis(self.nx, xlim, axis=0) = self._make_axis(, zlim, axis=1) self.x = _np.cumsum(*self.dx) self.x -= self.x[self.ix0] self.z = _np.cumsum(* self.z -= self.z[self.iz0] def _make_axis(self, Nm, limits, axis): # Stretch coeff a = _np.zeros(Nm) if len(limits) == 1: self._grid_single(a, limits, axis) else: self._grid_multi(a, limits, axis) return a def _grid_single(self, a, limits, axis): start, stop, _ = limits[0] a[:] = 1 if self.bc[axis] == 'A': a[:self.Npml] = self.stretch_PML elif self.bc[axis] in ['W', 'Z']: a[start:start+self.stencil] = self.amin a[start+self.stencil:start+self.stencil+self.N] = self.stretch[::-1] if self.bc[axis+2] == 'A': a[stop-self.Npml+1:] = self.stretch_PML[::-1] elif self.bc[axis+2] in ['W', 'Z']: a[stop-self.stencil:stop+1] = self.amin a[stop-self.stencil-self.N+1:stop-self.stencil+1] = self.stretch def _grid_multi(self, a, limits, axis): mkrs = self._markers(limits, axis) for [start, stop, _], mk in zip(limits, mkrs): if mk == [2, 1]: a[:self.Npml] = self.stretch_PML a[self.Npml:stop+1] = 1 elif mk == [2, self.amin]: a[:self.Npml] = self.stretch_PML a[self.Npml:stop-self.stencil-self.N] = 1 a[stop-self.stencil-self.N:stop-self.stencil] = self.stretch[:self.N] a[stop-self.stencil:stop+1] = self.amin elif mk == [1, 2]: a[stop-self.Npml+1:] = self.stretch_PML[::-1] a[start:stop-self.Npml+1] = 1 elif mk == [self.amin, 2]: a[stop-self.Npml+1:] = self.stretch_PML[::-1] a[start:start+self.stencil] = self.amin a[start+self.stencil:start+self.stencil+self.N] = self.stretch[:self.N][::-1] a[start+self.stencil+self.N:stop-self.Npml+1] = 1 else: self._middle(a, start, stop, mk) def _middle(self, a, start, stop, mk): # Left a[start:min(stop+1, start+self.stencil)] = mk[0] # Right a[max(start, stop-self.stencil):stop+1] = mk[1] # Center if stop - start - 2*self.stencil > 2: Np = min(self.N, int((stop - start - 2*self.stencil)/2)) # Increase if mk[0] == self.amin: a[start+self.stencil:start+self.stencil+Np] = self.stretch[::-1][:Np] elif mk[0] == 1: a[start+self.stencil:start+self.stencil+Np] = 1 # Decrease if mk[1] == self.amin: a[stop-self.stencil-Np+1:stop-self.stencil+1] = self.stretch[self.N-Np:] elif mk[1] == 1: a[stop-self.stencil-Np+1:stop-self.stencil+1] = 1 # Plateau a[start+self.stencil+Np:stop-self.stencil-Np+1] = a[start+self.stencil+Np-1] else: a[start+self.stencil:stop+1] = a[start] def _markers(self, limits, axis): mkrs = [] self._markers_left(mkrs, limits, axis) self._markers_center(mkrs, limits) self._markers_right(mkrs, limits, axis) return self._make_compatible(mkrs) def _markers_left(self, mkrs, limits, axis): start, stop, _ = limits[0] if self.bc[axis] == 'A': if stop - start >= self.Npml + self.N + self.stencil: mkrs.append((2, self.amin)) else: mkrs.append((2, 1)) elif self.bc[axis] == 'P': if stop - start >= 2*self.stencil + self.N: mkrs.append((1, self.amin)) else: mkrs.append((1, 1)) else: mkrs.append((self.amin, self.amin)) def _markers_center(self, mkrs, limits): """ WARNING : The case of one variation is not processed. Treated as is no variation is possible! """ for start, stop, _ in limits[1:-1]: if stop - start < 2*self.stencil + self.N: mkrs.append((1, 1)) elif 2*self.stencil + self.N <= stop - start < 2*self.stencil + 2*self.N: mkrs.append((1, 1)) # Processes as if no variation is possible elif stop - start >= 2*self.stencil + 2*self.N: mkrs.append((self.amin, self.amin)) def _markers_right(self, mkrs, limits, axis): start, stop, _ = limits[-1] if self.bc[axis+2] == 'A': if stop - start >= self.Npml + self.N + self.stencil: mkrs.append((self.amin, 2)) else: mkrs.append((1, 2)) elif self.bc[axis+2] == 'P': if stop - start >= 2*self.stencil + self.N: mkrs.append((self.amin, 1)) else: mkrs.append((1, 1)) else: mkrs.append((self.amin, self.amin)) def _make_compatible(self, mkrs, LOG=False): d = {(2, 1): [(2, 1)], (1, 2): [(1, 2)], (2, self.amin): [(2, 1), (2, self.amin)], (self.amin, 2): [(self.amin, 2), (1, 2)], (self.amin, self.amin): [(self.amin, self.amin), (1, 1), (self.amin, 1), (1, self.amin)], (1, 1): [(1, 1), (self.amin, self.amin)], (1, self.amin): [(1, self.amin), (1, 1)], (self.amin, 1): [(self.amin, 1), (1, 1)]} alt = list(_itertools.product(*(d[k] for k in mkrs))) alt = [k.tolist() for k in _np.array(alt) if _np.all(k[:-1, 1] == k[1:, 0])] if len(alt) > 1: if LOG: print('{} alternative meshes'.format(len(alt))) alt = alt[_np.argmin(_np.array([k.mean() for k in _np.array(alt)]))] else: alt = alt[0] if LOG: print(mkrs) print(alt) return alt def __str__(self): s = 'Adaptative cartesian {}x{} points grid with {} boundary conditions:\n\n' s += '\t* Spatial step : {}\n'.format((self.dx, s += '\t* Origin : {}\n'.format((self.ix0, self.iz0)) if 'A' in self.bc: s += '\t* Points in PML : {}\n'.format(self.Npml) s += '\t* Max stencil : {}\n'.format(self.stencil) s += '\t* Dilatation over {} pts : {:.1f} %\n'.format(self.N, (1-self.amin)*100) return s.format(self.nx,, self.bc)
[docs]class CurvilinearMesh(Mesh): """ Build curvilinear grid Parameters ---------- fcurvxz : function, optional Function taking as input arguments the numerical coordinates ('xn', 'yn') and returning the physical coordinates ('xp', 'zp'). See also -------- :py:class:`Mesh`, :py:mod:`fdgrid.templates` """ def __init__(self, shape, step, origin=(0, 0), bc='WWWW', obstacles=None, Npml=15, stencil=11, fcurvxz=_curv): if not fcurvxz: self.fcurvxz = _curv else: self.fcurvxz = fcurvxz super().__init__(shape, step, origin, bc, obstacles, Npml, stencil)
[docs] def plot_physical(self, figsize=(9, 4), legend=False, pml=False, bc_profiles=False, probes=False, filename=None): """ Plot physical and numerical domains. Parameters ---------- legend: bool, optional Show legend. N: int, optional Plot the grid with one point over N. filename: string, optional Save to `filename`. figsize: tuple, optional Size of the figure. pml: bool, optional Show absorbing area in the figure. bc_profiles: bool, optional Show velocity profiles for moving boundaries """ edgecolor = 'k' facecolor = 'k' alpha = 0.5 _, axes = _plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=figsize) _graphics.plot_grid(axes[0], self.xn, self.zn) _graphics.plot_grid(axes[1], self.xp, self.zp) axes[0].set(title='Numerical Domain') axes[1].set(title='Physical Domain') _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[0], self.x, self.z, self.obstacles, legend=legend, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) _graphics.plot_subdomains(axes[1], self.xp, self.zp, self.obstacles, legend=legend, edgecolor=edgecolor, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) _plt.tight_layout() if probes: _ = [axes[0].plot(self.x[i], self.z[j], 'ro') for i, j in probes] _ = [axes[1].plot(self.xp[i, j], self.zp[i, j], 'ro') for i, j in probes] if pml: _graphics.plot_pml(axes[0], self.x, self.z, self.bc, self.Npml) _graphics.plot_pml(axes[1], self.xp, self.zp, self.bc, self.Npml) if bc_profiles: _graphics.plot_bc_profiles(axes[0], self.x, self.z, self.obstacles) _graphics.plot_bc_profiles(axes[1], self.xp, self.zp, self.obstacles) for ax in axes: ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlabel(r'x [m]') ax.set_ylabel(r'z [m]') if isinstance(filename, str): _plt.savefig(filename)
def _make_grid(self): # Coordinates self.x = (_np.arange(self.nx, dtype=float) - self.ix0)*self.dx self.z = (_np.arange(, dtype=float) - self.iz0)* # Numerical coordinates self.xn, self.zn = _np.meshgrid(self.x, self.z) self.xn = _np.ascontiguousarray(self.xn.T) self.zn = _np.ascontiguousarray(self.zn.T) # Pysical coordinates self.xp, self.zp = self.fcurvxz(self.xn, self.zn) # Inverse Jacobian matrix coefficients du = _drv.du(_np.arange(self.nx, dtype=float), _np.arange(, dtype=float), stencil=11, add=False) dxp_dxn = du.dudx(self.xp)/du.dudx(self.xn) dzp_dxn = du.dudx(self.zp)/du.dudx(self.xn) dzp_dzn = du.dudz(self.zp)/du.dudz(self.zn) dxp_dzn = du.dudz(self.xp)/du.dudz(self.zn) # Jacobian matrix coefficients self.J = 1/(dxp_dxn*dzp_dzn - dxp_dzn*dzp_dxn) self.dxn_dxp = self.J*dzp_dzn self.dzn_dzp = self.J*dxp_dxn self.dxn_dzp = -self.J*dxp_dzn self.dzn_dxp = -self.J*dzp_dxn # Check GCL gcl_x = du.dudx(self.dxn_dxp/self.J) + du.dudz(self.dzn_dxp/self.J) gcl_z = du.dudx(self.dxn_dzp/self.J) + du.dudz(self.dzn_dzp/self.J) if _np.abs(gcl_x).max() > 1e-8 or _np.abs(gcl_z).max() > 1e-8: print('GCL (x) : ', _np.abs(gcl_x).max()) print('GCL (z) : ', _np.abs(gcl_z).max()) raise _exceptions.GridError('Geometric Conservation Laws not verified') def _make_moving_bc(self): for obs in self.obstacles: obs.make_moving_bc(self.x, self.z) def __str__(self): s = 'Curvilinear {}x{} points grid with {} boundary conditions:\n\n' s += '\t* Spatial step : {}\n'.format((self.dx, s += '\t* Origin : {}\n'.format((self.ix0, self.iz0)) if 'A' in self.bc: s += '\t* Points in PML : {}\n'.format(self.Npml) s += '\t* Max stencil : {}\n'.format(self.stencil) return s.format(self.nx,, self.bc)
if __name__ == "__main__": import templates shp = 256, 128 stps = 1e-4, 1e-4 orgn = 128, 64 obstcle =*shp) mesh = Mesh(shp, stps, orgn, obstacles=obstcle, bc='PAPZ') mesh.plot_domains(legend=True, N=2)