1) A special magnetized AFM tip is first used in intermittent contact mode to profile the topography of the surface to analyse.
2) In a second step, the tip re-trace the memorized profile of the surface from a set distance above the surface and detects changes in the resonant frequency of the cantilever induced by tip-sample magnetic interactions.
3) MFM image of the magnetic field gradient, which is independent of the surface topography, can thus be reconstructed.
Topography image of a computer hard disk (first scan)
MFM image (2nd scan) - Evidence of Magnetic domains
Laboratoire de Physique de l'Etat Condensé -
Institut de Recherche en Ingénierie Moléculaire et Matériaux Fonctionnels
Faculté du Maine - Université du Maine -
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans cedex 09, France