Optimizing the object-image relation

Ideally, the image of the patch must cover the entire pixel matrix, so as to obtain the best spatial resolution on the image. So it must have an object-image lateral magnification equal to:

| γ | = min ( L x Δ A S , L y Δ A S ) abs{%gamma} = "min" left({L_x}over{sqrt{%DELTA A_S}} , {L_y}over{sqrt{%DELTA A_S}} right )

\(\gamma\) being negative. This magnification conditions the position of the patch compared to the imagery objective. To simplify things we'll compare this objective to a thin lens with a center called O, so that the position of \(A\) (the object) can be given by:

p = OA ¯ = f ' ( 1 1 γ ) p = overline {OA} = - f' left( 1 -{1}over{%gamma} right )

The results obtained with the 3 CDD can be summarized in table 2.