Some animations

 Version française


You can use images and animations included in this page for teaching using, but please acknowledge where you obtained the animation!

Stationary (standing) wave
Interaction of a monochromatic plane wave with an impedant material (normal and oblique incidence).
Highlighting of stationnary and propagative parts of acoustic fields
Interaction of a monochromatic plane wave with an interface separating two fluid media
  • Propagative transmitted wave (before critical angle)
  • Evanescent transmitted wave (at and after critical angle)
Interaction of a monochromatic plane wave with an interface separating a fluid medium and an isotropic solid media
  • Propagative transmitted waves (before critical angle)
  • Evanescent longitudinal transmitted wave and propagative shear transmitted wave (between the two critical angles)
  • Evanescent transmitted waves (after the two critical angles)
Stationary modes in an infinite cylindric guide,
without and with a meridian half wall
Spherical harmonics
Directivity diagram of a baffle as a function of the product ka

  • What is Acoustics?  Click on the image...   
  • Download slides associated to the course (in french or in english) 
  • Training in Mechanics and Acoustics at Université du Maine