Michel BRUNEAU, Professeur Emérite (2003 - ...)
Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans (LAUM, UMR CNRS 6613)
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72 085 LE MANS Cedex 9
tel : 02 43 83 32 59
fax : 02 43 83 35 20
mail : michel.bruneau@univ-lemans.fr

THÈMES DE RECHERCHE (partenaires, contrats), thèses, période 2002-2022

i- Gyrométrie acoustique (contrat Sextant-Avionique/DGA)
Michel Bruneau, Najat Tahani, David Ecotière.

ii- Méthodes numériques pour l'acoustique en fluide thermo-visqueux
Nicolas Joly, Michel Bruneau, Romain Bossard.

iii- Etalonnage absolu de composants électroacoustiques (Contrat LNE)
Michel Bruneau, Anne-Marie Bruneau, Jean-Noël Durocher (responsable du projet, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais, LNE Paris), Cécile Guianvarc'h, Dominique Rodriguez.

iv- Vers une redéfinition du kelvin : mesure de la constante de Boltzmann par procédé acoustiques (contrat BNM)
Michel Bruneau, Anne-Marie Bruneau, Laurent Pitre (responsable du projet, Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'Essais LNE, Bureau National de Métrologie BNM, Paris), Cécile Guianvarc'h.

v- Thermo-acoustique (contrat ANR)
Philippe Blanc-Benon (ECL, Lyon), Pierrick Lotton, Guillaume Pénelet, Etienne Gaviot, Michel Bruneau, Vitaly Gusev, Lionel Camberlein, Nicolas Joly, Stéphane Durand, Stéphane Job, Gaëlle Poignand.

vi- Contrôle non destructif de rugosité, ondes modales (projet FANO LAUM, LOMC, IEMN)
Catherine Potel, Michel Bruneau, C. Depollier, J.-L. Izbicki (LOMC, Le Havre), Mounsif Echcherif Elkettani (LOMC, Le Havre), Damien Leduc (LOMC, Le Havre), A.-Ch. Hladky-Hennion (IEMN Lille), Tony Valier-Brasier, Ludovic Cardin Fozé Ndjomo.

vii- Transducteurs miniatures (LAUM, Université de Prague)
Stéphane Durand, Michel Bruneau, Zdenek Skvor (Université de Prague), Petr Honzik, Thierry Le Van Suu, Thomas Lavergne.

viii- Rayonnement non linéaire de haut-parleurs
Guy Lemarquand, Michel Bruneau

ix- Propagation en mélanges gazeux, changements de phase (LAUM, INRiM-Turin, CNAM Paris)
Cécile Guianvarc'h, Michel Bruneau, Roberto Gabioso

x- Modélisation de petits composants acoustiques non uniformes et de leurs associations (LAUM, CTTM, Collaboration Université de Prague)
Petr Honzik, Francois Fohr, Antonin Novak, Michel Bruneau

xi- Caractérisation du collage de plaques rugueuses par ondes SH et ondes de LAMB (projet inter-lab FANO)

xii- Etude de protecteurs auditifs (contrat LAUM/CTTM)

xiii- Modélisation de petits composants acoustiques et leurs associations, effets de profils de "petits" guides en fluides thermo-visqueux, sources étendues (contrat LAUM/CTTM, Coll. Univ. Prague)

xiv- Modélisation de transducteurs large bande à micro-poutres (Contrat LMAC, Coll. Univ. Prague).

xv- Modélisation de transducteurs piézoélectriques polymères ultrasonore (Coll. Univ. Prague, contrat européen).

xvi- Modélisation de champs acoustiques en fluides lourds en espaces clos à frontières complexes (Coll. Univ. Nove Hrady, Rép. Tchèque).

xvii- Modélisation de transducteurs miniatures MEMS (Coll. Univ. Prague).

xviii- Modélisation analytique de systèmes vibratoires : plaque encastrée / cavité (fluide thermo-visqueux), plaque circulaire non uniforme (trous noirs).

xvix- Modélisation analytique des aquariums.

PUBLICATIONS, période 2003-juillet 2023

[A1] C. POTEL, M. BRUNEAU, Acoustique Générale - équations différentielles et intégrales, solutions en milieux fluide et solide, applications, Ed. Ellipse collection Technosup, 352 pages, ISBN  2-7298-2805-2, 2006 , réédition en octobre 2016
 Table des matières. Transparents de cours téléchargeables
[A2] M. BRUNEAU, C. POTEL, L'art de la formule expliqué aux scientifiques. Recommandations générales pour la rédaction de documents écrits et pour les présentations orales, CEPADUES éditions, 80 p. (2006), ISBN 2.85428.741.x, réédition en  2018, avec un nouveau titre : Présenter un rapport scientifique à l'écrit, à l'oral - Conseils pratiques, 94 pages. ISBN 2364936454
 Table des matières
[A3] M. BRUNEAU, T. SCELO (translator and contributor), Fundamentals of Acoustics, ISTE (UK, USA), 640 p. (2006)., ISBN 9781905209255
 Table des matières
[A4] M. BRUNEAU, C. POTEL (coordinateurs, ouvrage collectif de 52 auteurs), Matériaux et Acoustique (en 3 volumes, Traité MIM, série alliages métalliques), Editions Hermès, Paris, 1064 p. (2006), ISBN 2-7462-1450-4
M. BRUNEAU, C. POTEL (coordinateurs, ouvrage collectif de 52 auteurs), Materials and Acoustics Handbook, Ed. ISTE-WILEY, London, 944 pages, ISBN 9781848210745, 2009 - traduction de [A4]
couverture Materials and Acoustics Handbook
[A6] M. BRUNEAU, Ph. GATIGNOL, P. LANCELEUR, C. POTEL, Exercices d'Acoustique. Corrigés détaillés. Rappels de cours. Tome 1 : exercices de base, Ed. Cépaduès, 292 pages, ISBN 9782364935372, 2016
livre exercices acoustique Cepadues 2016. Bruneau, Gatignol, Lanceleur, Potel    Table des matières.
[A7]M. BRUNEAU, Ph. GATIGNOL, P. LANCELEUR, C. POTEL, Exercices d'Acoustique. Corrigés détaillés. Rappels de cours. Tome 2 : exercices d'approfondissement, Ed. Cépaduès, 289 pages, ISBN 9782364937536, 2020
livre exercices acoustique Cepadues 2020. Bruneau, Gatignol, Lanceleur, Potel    Table des matières.
[A8]M. BRUNEAU, Ph. GATIGNOL, P. LANCELEUR, C. POTEL, Exercices d'Acoustique. Corrigés détaillés. Rappels de cours. Tome 3 : problèmes avancés, Ed. Cépaduès, 298 pages, ISBN 978.2.36493.887.8, 2021
livre exercices acoustique Cepadues 2021. Bruneau, Gatignol, Lanceleur, Potel    Table des matières.

B Revues internationales à comité de lecture
[B1] R. Bossard, N. Joly, M. Bruneau, Hybrid numerical and analytical solutions for acoustic boundary problems in thermo-viscous fluids, J. Sound Vib. 263 (2003) 69-84. 
[B2] S. Job, V. Gusev, P. Lotton, M. Bruneau, Acoustic streaming measurements in annular thermoacoustic engines, J. Acoust. Soc. Am.113 (4) (2003)1892-1899.
[B3] D. Ecotière, M. Bruneau, N. Tahani, Inertial coupling of resonant normal modes in rotating cavities: Acoustic gyrometers for high rotation rates, Acta Acustica, 90 (2004), 1151-1158.
[B4] G. Penelet, S. Job, V. Gusev, P. Lotton, M. Bruneau, Dependance of sound amplification on temperature distribution in annular thermoacoustic engines, Acta Acustica, 91 (2005), 567-577. 
[B5] G. Penelet, V. Gusev, P. Lotton, M. Bruneau, Experimental and theoretical study of processes leading to steady-state sound in annular thermoacoustic engines, Physical Review E 72.(2005), 016625, 13 p.
[B6] C. Guianvarch, J.-N. Durocher, M. Bruneau, A.-M. Bruneau, Acoustic transfer admittance of cylindrical cavities, J. Sound Vib., 292 (2006), 595-603.
[B7]  N. Joly, M. Bruneau, R. Bossard, Coupled equations for particle velocity and temperature variation as the fundamental formulation of linear acoustics in thermo-viscous fluid at rest, Acta Acustica, 92 (2006), 202-209.
[B8] K. Tu, V. Gusev, M. Bruneau, Chunping Zhang, Lin Zhao, Fangzhong Guo, Experimental and theoretical investigation on frequency characteristics of loudspeaker-driven thermoacoustic refrigerator, Cryogenics 45 (2006), 739-746.
[B9] G. Penelet, V. Gusev, P. Lotton, M. Bruneau, Non trivial influence of acoustic streaming on the efficiency of annular thermoacoustic prime movers, Physics Letters A 351 (2006), 268-273.
[B10] C. Guianvarch, J.-N. Durocher, M. Bruneau, A.-M. Bruneau, Improved formulation of the acoustic transfer admittance of cylindrical cavities, Acta-Acustica, Vol. 92 (2006), 345-354.
[B11] G. Poignand, B. Lihoreau, P. Lotton, E. Gaviot, M. Bruneau, V. Gusev, Optimal acoustic field in a compact thermoacoustic refrigerators, Applied Acoustics 68(6) (2007), 642-659.
[B12] Th. Le Van Suu, S. Durand, M. Bruneau, Fluid layer trapped between a plane, circular membrane and axisymmetrically curved, smooth backing wall: analytical model of the dynamic behaviour, Acta-Acustica 94(3) (2008), 474-482. 
[B13] C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Modes coupling due to non homogeneously-shaped walls in duct acoustics, J. Sound Vib., Vol. 313(3-5), 2008, 738-754. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2007.12.001
[B14] G. Lemarquand, M. Bruneau, Non linear intermodulation of two coherent acoustic waves, J. Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 56, No. 1/2, 2008, 36-44.
[B15] D. Rodrigues, C. Guianvarch, J.-N. Durocher, M. Bruneau, A.-M. Bruneau, A method to measure and interpret input impedance of small acoustic componants, J. Sound Vib., (2008), doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2008.02.017.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2008.02.017
[B16] C. Potel, D. Leduc, C. Depolier, B. Morvan, A.-C. Hladky-Hennion, J.-L. Izbiki, P. Pareige, M. Bruneau, Lamb wave attenuation in an anisotropic rough plate. I. Analytical and experimental results in an anisotropic plate, J. Appl. Phys., 104 (7), 074908 (2008), (10 pages), doi: 10.1063/1.2979850.   http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/104/074908.
[B17] C. Potel, D. Leduc, C. Depolier, B. Morvan, A.-C. Hladky-Hennion, J.-L. Izbiki, P. Pareige, M. Bruneau, Lamb wave attenuation in an anisotropic rough plate. II. Analytical and numerical results in a fluid plate,  J. Appl. Phys. 104 (7), 074909 (2008), (6 pages), doi: 10.1063/1.2979851.   http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/104/074909.
[B18] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, "Modes coupling of shear acoustic waves polarized along a one-dimensional corrugation on the surfaces of an isotropic solid plate", Appl. Phys. Let.  93, 164101 (2008), doi: 10.1063/1.2999632.    http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/93/164101
[B19] C. Guianvarc'h, L. Pitre, M. Bruneau, A.-M. Bruneau, Acoustic field in a quasi-spherical resonator: unified perturbation model, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 125, 2009, 1416-1425.
[B20] P. Lotton, Ph. Blanc-Benon, M. Bruneau, V. Gusev, S. Duffourd, M. Mironov, G. Poignand, Transient temperature profile evolution inside thermoacoustic refrigerators, Int. J. Heat and Mass transfer, 52  (21-22) 2009, 4986-4996.   doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2009.03.075 
[B21] P. Honzík, Z. Škvor, S. Durand, M. Bruneau, Theoretical investigation on electrostatic transducers with non-planar backing electrode, Acta Acustica. 95 (5), sept-oct 2009, p. 671-686.
[B22] C. Guianvarch, R. Gavioso, G. Benedetto, L. Pitre, M. Bruneau, Characterization of condenser microphones under different environmental conditions, application to the determination of the Boltzmann constant, Review of Scientific Instrument, 80, 7 juillet 2009.
[B23] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, "On the modelling of modes coupling in dissipative fluid-filled waveguide with corrugated surfaces", J. Appl. Phys.,  106 (3), 034913 (2009), (8 pages), doi:10.1063/1.3191045.   http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/106/034913.
[B24] Th. Le Van Suu, S. Durand, M. Bruneau, On the modelling of clamped plates loaded by a squeeze fluid film: application to miniaturised sensors, Acta-Acustica, 96 (5), 923-935, (2009).
[B25] D. Rodrigues, J.-N. Durocher, M. Bruneau, A.-M. Bruneau, A new method for the determination of the acoustic center of acoustic transducers, Acta Acustica united with Acustica 96 (2), 300-305, (2010).
[B26] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, "Shear acoustic waves polarized along the ridged surface of an isotropic solid plate; mode coupling  effects due to the shape profile, J. Appl. Phys., 108 (7), 074910 (2010), (9 pages), doi:10.1063/1.3486020.   http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/108/074910.
[B27] T. Lavergne, S. Durand, Michel Bruneau, Nicolas Joly, D. Rodrigues, "Dynamic behaviour of the circular membrane of an electrostatic microphone: effect of holes in the backing electrode", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 (6),  (2010),  doi:10.1121/1.3504706.
[B28] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Ph. Gatignol, "Analytical approach of Lamb wave coupling in rough isotropic plates", J. Appl. Phys. 109(6), 064902, (2011), (10 pages), doi: 10.1063/1.3552920
[B29] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, "Pressure and shear horizontal guided waves excitation: non-uniform, time-periodic source distribution of finite extent on the boundaries", Appl. Phys. Let., 98 (15), 154102 (2011), (3 pages), doi: 10.1063/1.3580772
[B30] T. Valier-Brasier, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, D. Leduc, B. Morvan, J.-L. Izbiki, "Coupling of shear acoustic waves by gratings: analytical and experimental analysis of spatial periodicity effects", Acta Acustica, 97 (5), 717-727(2011).
[B31] G. Poignand, P. Lotton, G. Penelet, M. Bruneau, "Thermo-Acoustic Cavity Excitation to Achieve Optimal Performances", Acta Acustica, 97(6), 926-932, (2011).
[B32] P. Honzík, N. Joly, S. Durand, Dominique Rodrigues, Jean-Noël Durocher, M. Bruneau, "Finite element modelling of thermoviscous acoustic field inside small components: application to an annular slit terminated by an aperture in an infinite screen", Metrologia, 49, 32-40, (2012). doi 10.1088/0026-1394/49/1/006 
[B33] C. Guianvarch, M. Bruneau, "Acoustic fields in binary gas mixtures: mutual diffusion effects throughout and beyond the boundary layers", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 131(6), 4252-4262, (2012).
[B34] Petr Honzik, Stéphane Durand, Nicolas Joly, Michel Bruneau, "On the acoustic transfer function of slowly tapered horns filled with thermo-viscous fluid", Acta Acustica, 99(5), 694-702, (2013), DOI:10.3813/AAA.918648
[B35] G. Poignand, Alexey Podkovskiy, G. Penelet, P. Lotton, M. Bruneau, "Analysis of a coaxial, compact thermo-acoustic heat-pump", Acta Acustica, 99(6), 898-904, novembre 2013
[B36] Petr Honzik, Alexey Podkovskiy, Stéphane Durand, Nicolas Joly, Michel Bruneau, "Analytical and numerical modelling of axisymmetrical electrostatic transducer with interior geometrical discontinuity", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134(5), 3573-3579, novembre 2013. DOI:10.1121/1.4824342
[B37] C. Guianvarc'h, M. Bruneau, R. M. Gavioso, "Acoustics and precondensation phenomena in gas-vapor saturated mixtures", Phys. Rev. E, 89(2), 023208-p.1 à 12, Doi: 10.1103, février 2014.
[B38] T. Lavergne, S. Durand, N. Joly, and M. Bruneau, "Analytical modeling of electrostatic transducers in gases: behavior of their membrane and sensitivity", Acta Acustica 100 (3), 440-447 (2014), DOI: 10.3813/AAA.91872
[B39] P. Honzík,  M. Bruneau, "Acoustic fields in thin fluid layers between vibrating walls and rigid boundaries: integral method", Acta Acustica 101 (4), 859-862, juillet/août 2015.
[B40] P. Honzík, F. Fohr, M. Bruneau, "Transfer function of small Convergent-Divergent (C-D) nozzles and opposite (D-C) devices filled with thermo-viscous fluids at rest", Applied Acoustics 99, 118-124 (2015), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2015.06.001
[B41] C. Potel, M. Bruneau, L.C. Foze N'Djomo, D. Leduc, M. Echcherif Elkettani, J.-L. Izbicki, "Shear horizontal acoustic waves propagating along two isotropic solid plates bonded with a non-dissipative adhesive layer: effects of rough interfaces", J. Appl. Phys., 118 - 224905 (2015). doi: 10.1063/1.4937150
[B42] T. Lavergne, Z. Škvor, L. Husnik, M. Bruneau, "On the modeling of an emitting cylindrical transducer with a piezoelectric polymer membrane", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 102 (4), 705-713, juillet/août 2016.
[B43] T. Lavergne, Z. Škvor, L. Husnik, M. Bruneau, "PVDF cylindrical Electroacoustic Emitting  Transducer with Perforated Back-plate: Symplified Analytical Approach", Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 103 (1), 158-163, janvier/février 2017.
[B44] A. Novak, P. Honzik, M. Bruneau, "Dynamic behaviour of a planar micro-beam loaded by a fluid-gap: analytical and numerical approach in a high frequency range, benchmark solutions", J. Sound Vib., 401, 36-53, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jsv.2017.04.026, Mars 2017.
[B45] M. Ech Cherif El Kettani, D. Leduc, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, L.C. Foze N'Djomo, M. Predoi, "Effects of the interface roughness in metal-adhesive-metal structure on the propagation of SH waves", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141(6), 4591; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.4985441, juin 2017.
A. Novak, M. Bruneau, P. Lotton, "Small-sized rectangular liquid-filled acoustical tank excitation: a modal approach including leakage through the walls",Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 104 (4), 586-596, juillet/août 2018. doi: http//dx.doi.org/10.3813/AAA.919199
P. Honzík, A. Novak, S. Durand, N. Joly, M. Bruneau, "Modeling of a one dimensional device composed of a planar beam and fluid gap with discontinuity in thickness", Proc. Mtgs. Acoust. (POMA), Vol. 30, 030016, p. 7 (instead of a full paper in J. Acoust. Soc. Am.), 2018. doi: https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0000838
A. Novak, P. Cisar, M. Bruneau, P. Lotton, L. Simon, "Localisation of sound-producing fish in a water-filled tank", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146(6), 4842, https://doi.org/10.1121/1.5138607, décembre 2019.
K. Simonova, P. Honzik, M. Bruneau, Ph. Gatignol, "Modelling approach for MEMS transducers with rectangular clamped plate loaded by a thin fluid layer", J. Sound Vib. 473, 115246, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115246, May 2020.
[B50]  P. Honzik, M. Bruneau, S. Durand, N. Joly, "Modelling approach for miniaturized receiving transducers with square membrane and small sized back plate", J. Sound Vib. 490, 115710, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2020.115710, January 2021.
[B51] C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Ph. Gatignol, P. Lanceleur, " Raising students' interest and deepening their training in acoustics through dedicated exercises, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 151 (2), 1093-1103, (2022). doi : https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0009407 - Education in acoustics
[B52] C. Potel, Ph. Gatignol, M. Bruneau, "Using heat maps in teaching acoustics: interaction of incident plane wave or incident beam with a solid plane structure", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 152 (2), 754-764, (2022). doi : https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0013013 - Education in acoustics
[B53] L. Lagny, M. Bruneau, F. Gautier, "Pedagogically treating topics as having several ways to be addressed: harmonically varying states of free-edge circular plates", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 153(6), p. 3213, https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019635, 2023
C. Potel, M. Bruneau, Ph. Gatignol, Modelling a simplified device - a wind musical instrument - as an educational tool to study the behavior of a 1-D resonator, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 154 (6), 3842-3850, (2023) doi : https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0023959
O. Robin, M. Simard, C. Potel, M. Bruneau, History and variations of Lindsay’s wheel of acoustics: From a nested pie chart including words to a drawn acoustics world, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 156 (1), 1-11, (2024), doi: https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0026445

C Brevet

M. Bruneau, P. Lotton, V. Gusev, Ph. Blanc-Benon, E. Gaviot, S. Durand, Réfrigérateur thermoacoustique, brevet N°120434 déposé à l'INPI (mai 2003).